Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Code? Transfer!...and what is Cerebus supposed to do?

Nick Wolensky has steamlined the transferring of animation (from a rigged base model to an unrigged detailed model) with code he's written -so the process is going fast, so fast I can't keep up with the rendering and compositing...would have liked to have mixed up some close-ups and wideshots and various angles. Anyway, below we have his stellar work, and I apologize for hasty renders/composites/edits/static camera placement:)

the scene featuring the base model from which the animation was transferred
the scene featuring the base model from which the animation was transferred

Cerebus animation by Manas Mishra

City Street by Steven Shearing. We're thinking it's pretty much done unless we can think of more to add. He's in the process of unwrapping it.